Gerard Karsenty, MD, PhD
- Paul A. Marks Professor of Genetics and Development and Professor of Medicine and of Biomedical Engineering
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Gerard Karsenty M.D., Ph.D., is the Paul A. Marks M.D., Professor and Chair of the Department of Genetics and Development at Columbia University Medical center, New York City. In the last 20 years, his laboratory has studied every aspect of skeletal biology ranging from development to physiology. His laboratory deciphered the molecular bases of osteoblast-specific gene expression, a work that culminated in his identification of Runx2 as the master gene of osteoblast differentiation. This was followed by the identification of an entire cascade of transcription factors regulating osteoblast differentiation and of Gcm2 as the master gene of parathyroid gland development. In approaching bone physiology Karsenty proposed that there is a coordinated control endocrine in nature, of bone mass, energy metabolism and fertility. The Karsenty lab has verified in the mouse and whenever possible in humans all tenets of this hypothesis. One of them is that bone should be an endocrine organ regulating energy metabolism and reproduction. This led to the identification of osteocalcin as a bone-derived hormone needed for insulin secretion, glucose homeostasis, testosterone secretion by Leydig cells of the testes and male fertility, brain development cognition and adaptation to exercise. Currently his work focuses through the definition of all functions of osteocalcin in understanding why would bone be an endocrine organ.
Academic Appointments
- Paul A. Marks Professor of Genetics and Development and Professor of Medicine and of Biomedical Engineering
Administrative Titles
- Chair, Genetics and Development Department
- French
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- MD, PhD, Physiology, Paris Medical School, France
- Fellowship: National Institute of Health
- Fellowship: MD Anderson Cancer Center
Committees, Societies, Councils
1991-present American Society of Biological Chemistry
1991-present American Society of Bone and Mineral Research
1995-present American Endocrine Society
2002-present International Society of Matrix Biology
2003-present Member of the IBMS Board of Directors
2006-present Member of Association of American Physicians
2008-present Member of The American Physiological Society
2015-present Member of National Academy of Medicine
2014-present Member of The New York Academy of Sciences
2015-present Member of American Society of Microbiology
2017-present Member of the NOF Ambassadors Leadership Council
2017-present Elected Associate Member of EMBO
Honors & Awards
2017: Elected Associate Member of EMBO
2017: The AACE Frontiers in Science Award
2016: Steven's Triennial Prize for Excellence in Original Medical Research
2016: Roy E. Greep Award for Excellence in Basic Science, the Endocrine Society
2014: Member National Academy of Medicine
2012: Hoffenberg International Medal British Endocrine Society
2011: ASBMR William F. Neuman Award
2011: Herbert Fleisch Achievement Award in Basic Science, IOF
2011: Senior Scholar in Aging Ellison Foundation
2010: Jacobaeus Prize NovoNordisk Foundation, Denmark
2010: Member, College of CSR Reviewers, NIH
2010: Richard Lounsbery Award, National Academy of Science (USA), Academie des Sciences (France)
2008: Lee C. Howley Prize for Arthritis Research, Arthritis Foundation
2007: Schaefer Award, Columbia University Medical Center
2007: Drieu-Cholet Award, The French National Academy of Medicine
2006: Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award, The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas
2002: Member of The Association of American Physicians
2001: Louis V. Avioli Founders Award of the ASBMR
2001: D. Harold Copp Award of the IBMS
2000: Michael E. De Bakey Excellence in Science Award
1997: Research Award of the Austrian Bone and Mineral Research Society
1996: International Bone and Calcium Institute Young Scientist Award
1985: French Endocrine Society Award for Young Scientists
Genetics to understand Development, Physiology and Pathogenesis of all diseases
Physiological functions of bone and their regulation
5P01AG032959-13 (PI: Karsenty)
9/2020 – 5/2025
NIH / NIA (Project 1 and Admin Core)
Bone as a sensor of and responder to stress during aging
This application aims at exploring the relationship between bone and stress response and using this knowledge to combat manifestations of aging. The goal of Project 1 is to determine whether the regulation of the release of osteocalcin can be harnessed to prevent or rescue manifestations of aging. The major goal of the Admin Core is to provide administrative support to the Program Project.
8/2018 – 7/2023
A neuronal basis for the osteocalcin regulation of bone mass.
The major goal is to determine whether the inactivation of Gpr158 in the locus coeruleus will result in a high bone mass by decreasing the sympathetic tone.
Primary Place of Performance: Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY
5R01AR073180-04 (PI: Karsenty)
4/2019 – 2/2024
Muscle regulation of bone function.
The goals of this proposal are to determine 1) whether interleukin-6 (IL-6) regulates adaptation to exercise by signaling in bone cells and 2) IL-6 regulates bone mass specifically during exercise.
Primary Place of Performance: Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY
Selected Publications
1: Lee NK, Sowa H, Hinoi E, Ferron M, Ahn JD, Confavreux C, Dacquin R, Mee PJ, McKee MD, Jung DY, Zhang Z, Kim JK, Mauvais-Jarvis F, Ducy P, Karsenty G. Endocrine regulation of energy metabolism by the skeleton. Cell. 2007 130(3):456-69.
2: Oury F, Sumara G, Sumara O, Ferron M, Chang H, Smith CE, Hermo L, Suarez S, Roth BL, Ducy P, Karsenty G. Endocrine regulation of male fertility by the skeleton. Cell. 2011 144(5): 796-809.
3: Oury F, Khrimian L, Denny CA, Gardin A, Chamouni A, Goeden N, Huang YY, Lee H, Srinivas P, Gao XB, Suyama S, Langer T, Mann JJ, Horvath TL, Bonnin A, Karsenty, G. Maternal and offspring pools of osteocalcin influence brain development and functions. Cell. 2013 155(1): 228-41.
4: Wei J, Shimazu J, Makinistoglu M, Maurizi A, Kajimura D, Zong H, Takarada T, Iezaki T, Pessin JE, Hinoi E, and Karsenty G. Glucose uptake and Runx2 synergize to orchestrate osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. Cell. 2015 161(7): 1576-91.
5: Mera P, Laue K, Ferron M, Confavreux C, Wei J, Galan-Diez M, Lacampagne A, Mitchell SJ, Mattison JA, Chen Y, Bacchetta J, Szulc P, Kitsis RN, de Cabo R, Friedman RA, Torsitano C, McGraw TE, Puchowicz M, Kurland I and Karsenty G. Osteocalcin signaling in myofibers is necessary and sufficient for optimum adaptation to exercise. Cell Metab. 2016 23(6):1078-92.
6: Berger JM, Singh P, Khrimian L, Morgan DA, Chowdhury S, Arteaga-Solis E, Horvath TL, Domingos AI, Marsland AL, Yadav VK, Rahmouni K, Gao XB and Karsenty G. Mediation of the acute stress response by the skeleton. Cell Metab. 2019 30(5): 890-902
For a complete list of publications, please visit