2023 Seminars

Spring Semester


January 10
Dieter Egli, PhD
Assistant Professor of Developmental Cell Biology
in Pediatrics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Hosted by Dr. Cathy Mendelsohn

January 30 - Special Seminar
Kynon Benjamin, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry, John Hopkins University

January 31 - Special Seminar
Graham Erwin, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Genetics, Stanford Cancer Institute

February 7
Xiang Zhang, PhD
Interim Director, Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center;
William T. Butler, M.D., Endowed Chair for Distinguished Faculty,
Baylor College of Medicine;
Professor, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine

Hosted by Dr. Gerard Karsenty

February 21
Cassandra Extavour, PhD
Timken Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Department of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University

Hosted by Dr. Luke Berchowitz

February 28
Alain Nicolas, PhD
Research Scientist CNRS, IRCAN,
University Nice-Côte d'Azur, France

Hosted by Dr. Rodney Rothstein

March 6 - Special Seminar
David W. Sanders, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Chemical and Biological Engineering Department, Princeton University

Hosted by the Genetics and Development Department

March 7
Scott Armstrong, MD, PhD
Harvard Stem Cell Institute
Chairman of Pediatric Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute;
Associate Chief of the Division of Hematology and Oncology at Boston Children’s Hospital

Hosted by Dr. Chao Lu

March 14
Bill Lowry, PhD
Associate Director of Education and Technology Transfer
UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center;
Professor, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology

Hosted by Dr.Emmanuelle Passegue

March 21
Lynne Maquat, PhD
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics 
and Director, Center for RNA Biology
University of Rochester

Hosted by Dr. Luke Berchowitz

March 28
Jonathan Whetstine, PhD
Professor and Director
Cancer Epigentic Institute, Fox Chase Cancer Center

Hosted by Dr. Aaron Viny

April, 11
Steve Henikoff, PhD
Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Hosted by Dr. Zhiguo Zhang

April 25
Anne Villeneuve, PhD
Developmental Biology and Genetics, Stanford University

Hosted by Dr. Luke Berchowitz

May 2
Eric Pietras, PhD
Associate Professor
Medicine - Hematology
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Hosted by Dr. Emmanuelle Passegue

May 9
Stephen Tapscott, MD, PhD
Human Biology Division, Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Hosted by Dr. Laura Johnston

Summer Semester

Location: Hammer Health Sciences- Room 312 
Time: 4:00pm


Dr. Philippe Batut

August 15 - Special Seminar
Philippe J. Batut, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University

Hosted by Dr. Gerard Karsenty

Dynamic control of gene expression in development by genome organization and noncoding RNAs





Fall Semester

Location: Hammer Health Sciences- Room LL103
Time: 4:00pm


September 26
Alexandre Bolze, PhD
"Human Genetics of immune responses to vaccination"
Principal Scientist, Research Helix

Hosted by Dr. Gerard Karsenty

October 17
Steven Munger, PhD
Associate Professor
The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME

Hosted by Dr. Angela Christiano

October 24 -  HSC 301
Special Charles Cantor Lecture

Marc Kirschner, PhD
Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School,
John Franklin Enders Harvard University Professor

Hosted by Dr. Laura Johnston

November 14
David Bartel, PhD - HSC 301
Professor of Biology, MIT; Core Member, Whitehead Institute;
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Hosted by Dr. V. Alessandro Gennarino

November 28
Millie Embree, DMD, PhD, MS
Dr. Edwin S. Robinson Assistant Professor of Dental Medicine
Columbia University Medical Center

Hosted by Dr. Gerard Karsenty

December 5
Sergej Djuranovic, PhD
Professor of Cell Biology & Physiology
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Hosted by Dr. V. Alessandro Gennarino

December 11 - Special Seminar at 4:30pm
Diane L. Haakonsen, PhD
Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Fellow
University of California, Berkeley

Hosted by Dr. Gerard Karsenty

December 12 
Katrin Karbstein, PhD - HSC 301
The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation and Technology,
University of Florida Health

Hosted by Dr. V. Alessandro Gennarino

December 13 - Special Seminar at 4:00pm

Chelsea Lowther, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School

Hosted by Dr. Gerard Karsenty

December 19 
Luke Berchowitz, PhD
Assistant Professor of Genetics and Development (in the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and-the Aging Brain)
Columbia University Medical Center

Hosted by Dr. Gerard Karsenty