2018 Student Seminar Series
Spring Semester
Location: Seminars are held in Hammer Building / Room 303
February 16-NO SEMINAR--Recruitment Day
February 23 - Laura Crowley
"Neuroendocrine Cells and the Prostate Epithelial Stem Cell Niche"
March 2 - Tarun Nambiar
"Orfeome Screen Identifies Rad18 as an Enhancer of CRISPR-Mediated Homology-Directed Repair"
Ciccia Lab
March 9 - Sam Galindo
"Interaction Between Sensory Neurons Determine Modality-Specific Wiring of Somatosensory Circuitry"
Grueber Lab
March 23 - Meghan Pantalia
"Investigating the role of glial endocytosis in Drosophila learning and memory"
Shirasu-Hiza Lab
March 30 - Marina Ermakova
"The Role of MID1IP1 in Microtuble Stability"
Goff Lab
April 6 - Daniel Krizay
"MEA and the in vitro characterization of the brain and disease"
Goldstein Lab
April 13 - Maria Stupnikov-Kselman
"Notch ligands and the pulmonary neuroepithelial body microenvironment"
Wellington Cardoso Lab
April 20 - Sophia Hirsch
"FLIRTing for spatiotemporal control of temperature sensitive protein function"
Canman Lab
April 27 - Stephanie Erjavec
"The Role of Autophagic Protein, STX17, in Melanogenesis and Alopecia Areata"
Christiano Lab
Fall Semester
October 6 - Virginia Aimiuwu
"Modeling gene-specific therapy of DNM1 epileptic encephalopathy"
Frankel Lab
November 2 - Sarah Joseph
"SMARCAD1 promotes DNA degradation in BRCA1- and BRCA2-deficient cells"
Ciccia Lab
November 9 - Ryan Loker
"Regulatory mechanisms of the Hox protein Ultrabithorax"
Mann Lab
November 16 - Albana Kodra
"Characterization and visualization of the multi chromosomalEnhancer hub"
Lomvardas Lab
November 30 - Sam Hayward
"Genetic Interactions within the Human DNA Damage Response Network"
Ciccia Lab
December 7- Dan Cole
"Investigating Enhancer binding events in the control of Motor neuron differentiation"
Wichterle Lab
December 14 - Sophia Hirsch
"The central spindle is not essential for life"
Canman Lab